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[READ] The Presidential Health Summit report

Find out which issues have been prioritised after the Presidential Health Summit.

In 2018, President Cyril Ramaphosa held a three-day long Presidential Health Summit outside Johannesburg.

The gathering drew more than 100 representatives from civil society, government, unions, academia and the private sector. Before the event, each delegate received a 21-page concept note outlining challenges within the health system — this included corruption and how the NHI will incorporate the private sector.

Solutions proposed during the meeting will now form the basis for broader consultation ahead of a public plan to turn the health system. Although these solutions were set to be released in a 10 December 2018 compact, this document remains in draft form, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi said at the launch of the summit’s report on 12 February.

Read a copy of Motsoaledi’s remarks, delivered on behalf of Ramaphosa. Then download a copy of the full summit report below.