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Gauteng mental health services: ‘They treated him like you don’t even treat a dog’
A decision by the Gauteng department of health has left at least 36 dead but has the scandal lifted the lid on the horrors of mental healthcare?
Fact Check: No, SA does not weigh in as the world’s 3rd most obese...
Africa Check digs into the data to reveal the surprising truth behind the widely cited statistic
A guide to ‘alternative menstruation’: Save money and the world during your period
When 'that time of the month' comes, you don't have to reach for disposable tampons or pads.
Finally, TB pills for children
Tastier kid-friendly tablets will help take the guess work out of treating Kenya's tiniest TB patients.
#SowetoMarathon: Why this prostate cancer survivor is running today
A marathon runner with prostate cancer uses his skill to promote awareness and encourage testing.
South Sudan is bleeding itself dry
Blood donations are scant in South Sudan as the process is frowned upon and treated with suspicion by locals.
Silky strawberry is the best condom fit for South Africans
After three years of deliberation and research, the South African health department launches flavoured condoms.
Home visits give instant HIV results and data set to guide more than a...
The population assessments of the epidemic in sub-Sahara yields information of benefit to patients and to each nation’s plan of action
Me and my meds: It’s a fraught friendship
Society has a skewed view that healthy people don’t take medicine but rising rates of chronic illness may call for a re-think of that perception.
Mental shift: Yoga makes its way behind the walls of South African prisons
It's World Yoga Day. Mindfulness has seen a resurgence in popularity and is slowly making its way behind the walls of prisons in South Africa.
Growing up with a mother who has schizophrenia is tough on a child
When a parent is diagnosed with a mental illness, the chances of emotional support are decreased and the risk of family discord is high.
The female condom showdown: Lovers Plus Inner Condom, the Cupid and the V
South Africa is pumping more money into female condom distribution. We look at what's on the market and what's to come for the femidom.
The female condom: Soft, stimulating and sexy sheaths open up a new world for...
The government is making female condoms more accessible – and these come with extra benefits.
Nursing the hungry: How one Catholic nun has taken Malawi’s prisoners under her wing
As humanitarian organisations sound the alarm over high malnutrition rates among Malawi's prisoners, one woman is trying to help keep inmates alive.
Five good reasons to ditch chemical hair relaxers this December
Black women, beware: your pursuit of straight, silky locks may be detrimental to your health.
Waste not, want not: Kenya turns sewage into cleaner, longer-burning fuel
Is Kenya, currently plagued by a cholera outbreak, about to show the world the energy wealth hidden in human waste?