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Pedal power: Malawi’s ‘rickshaw’ bush ambulances cycle the sick to care
Already used in countries like Namibia, the ambulances could help cut child and maternal mortality rates.
Five things you should know about your vagina
Science is learning more about your vagina. So should you.
Trafficked to Turin: The Nigerian women forced into sex work abroad in Italy
Thousands of women are lured from Nigeria to Italy annually by the promise of a new life, only to find themselves trapped in the sex trade.
Zimbabwe health workers fight the odds to provide free care to disabled children
A Harare rehabilitation unit offers impaired youngsters free therapy and supports parents too.
On the road: Lifeline for sex workers and truck drivers emerges along trade route
A chain of clinics is helping to save lives on Malawi's border with Mozambique.
Four reasons why breast is best: Babies are smarter, healthier and better behaved
Infants are less likely to be obese and mothers' have a lower risk of cancer
‘I am the same as them’ – peer educators take sex workers’ health in...
Healthcare facilities are working to ensure migrant workers are never far from care.
Let’s talk about sex, baby – help is just an SMS away for young...
Nearly 36 000 young Mozambicans have signed up for SMS-based health counselling but will the new technology curb HIV infections?
#AIDS2016: How a rural community helps each other stay on HIV treatment
An adherence club helped almost all patients stay on their treatment.
Technology speeds up diagnosis and HIV testing for babies in Mozambique
Technology has cut diagnosis waiting times, getting infants on to treatment sooner.
A roundup of fake AIDS ‘cures’: Angel Zapper, Garani MW1, Topvein, SF 2000
Fake AIDS "cures" have been the bane of activists fighting for treatment. We discovered a new one and checked in on some we've debunked before.
#AIDS2016: “I’ve taken control of my sex life. I use an HIV prevention pill.”
An HIV prevention pill can reduce HIV-negative people's chances of contracting HIV by more than 90%.
#AIDS2016: Children’s hospice becomes place of hope in the era of HIV treatment
ARVs have transformed Cotlands hospice from a place for the dying into a childcare centre where the living thrive.
Long queues tell Zimbabwe’s story of economic crisis and failing healthcare
Many people can no longer afford hospital treatment and medication, and the number of those with medical aid has fallen by a third.
In rural Kenya, camel clinics bring much needed care to those who need it
Healthcare for Kenya's semi-nomadic communities comes in an unlikely form of camels, who carry medicine to the country's most remote villages.
Women of the Maasai fight back for their daughters
Girls as young as 10 feel the blade but an extraordinary group is fighting against female genital mutilation (FGM).