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The Madiba statue in Mandela Village

Madibaville isn’t always paradise

Living in a settlement named after Nelson Mandela doesn't mean you have the basics.
The mother of four-year-old Themba died weeks after his birth. He is being raised by his grandmother Sophie

When mother is snatched away, Gogo picks up the pieces

South Africa's maternal mortality rate leaves the elderly to deal with its consequences, with many unable to keep up.

Drug row sparked by HIV spending

A new study to be conducted in South Africa, Uganda and India has sparked a heated debate in the HIV activist and research community.
Vicious circle: Battered women's distress tends to make them more prone to risky sexual behaviour.

Abused women in violent spiral

Situations can get worse for women who are battered by their intimate partners: research now shows they are at higher risk of contracting HIV.
Cotlands offers a fantasy classroom to children where they can express themselves and develop their imagination.

Cotlands resurrected as a haven of hope and learning

ARVs have stopped children dying, now the former Aids hospice is helping them to thrive.
Imagine this: A team of 15 neuroscientists is to get R900-million in start-up funding for a project that could find a cure for diseases such as Alzheimer's

There’s gold at the end of the Brainbow

An ambitious project to map the human brain has vast medical potential – if it's possible.
Employees at Messina hospital strike against the actions of their clinical chief executive officer Dr Allick Dube.

Past catches up with ‘candy store’ doctor

A doctor currently on paid leave was convicted of two counts of involuntary manslaughter in the US before starting jobs in SA public hospitals.
Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi urges people to accept facts about teenage sex at the opening ceremony of the 6th National Aids Conference in Durban.

Fact: Children have sex – Motsoaledi

Denial should not stand in the way of the provision of sexual health services at schools, says Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi.
35 initiates in Mpumalanga and Limpopo died last month in botched traditional circumcisions.

PrePex will save many lives in SA – with traditional leaders’ help

The state's hopes for the nonsurgical circumcision device rest on its acceptance in initiation rituals.
Nelson Mandela may have been stalked by his prison past in the years since freedom was won.

Harsh prison air left mark on Madiba

Madiba's prison past may have played a role in his recurrent lung infections.
Sub chief Mabhokomela Bonakele has shut down shebeens at night

Booze curfew breaks the cycle of violence on the Wild Coast

In a far-flung district, a night-time ban on shebeens has wiped out violence in a village.
A group of El Salvadoran mothers receive training in kangaroo mother care at a maternity hospital in San Salvador.

Infant care leaps forward with a lesson from kangaroos

A simple practice that benefits all newborns is also bringing down mortality rates.
Unjustifiable: Human rights group Section27 says that making life ­insurance unaffordable for HIV-infected people just serves to perpetuate the stigma around the condition.

People with HIV pay more for life insurance – if they can get it

Their life expectancy is almost as high as those who are HIV free, yet they pay much more.
Sewn up: The ­private sector has built up ­sophisticated ­administration ­systems that the NHI

‘Let private skills come to NHI’s aid’

Mia Malan reports on the challenges of involving medical schemes in the administration of the National Health Insurance scheme.
In 2011

ARVs alone won’t save HIV infected mothers

Access to ARVs is improving, but poor attitudes to patients are aggravating maternal mortality rates.
Fikile Magubane lost her son and husband in four months.

Mother’s vow to ‘save one more teen’

Suicides among teenagers are on the rise, but parents can be taught to spot the warning signs.