

PrEP user talks sex

[LISTEN] PrEP user talks sex, condoms and HIV

Ben Brown tells Mia Malan about his experience of using a pill that reduces his chances of HIV infection.
Want to influence policy? Here’s how to write an op-ed

Want to influence policy? Here’s how to write an op-ed

Bhekisisa editor Mia Malan gives tips on how to write health comment pieces without putting your reader to sleep.
Non-lung TB

[LISTEN] Non-lung TB, the silent killer

TB is not only found in the lungs. You can get TB anywhere in your body, but it is very difficult to diagnose.
Depression and anxiety are common amongst TB patients and a UCT study says counselling is needed to keep sufferers on treatment.

[LISTEN] Most South Africans have the TB germ – so why aren’t they sick?

About 80% of people have the TB germ inside their bodies, but that doesn't mean they will all develop the disease.
Can drug-resistant TB get cured?

[LISTEN] Can drug-resistant TB get cured?

Only half of people with multidrug resistant TB are cured, and patients run a high risk of losing their hearing due to the drugs.
The bad news doctor: Why scientists are trying to find better ways to talk to patients.

[LISTEN] TB and diabetes: Are they linked?

Are people with diabetes more likely to get TB? Dr Bart Willems says yes.
Kala azar: The killer disease nobody knows about.

Kala azar: The killer disease nobody knows about

Kala azar is endemic in parts of South Sudan and affects mostly the poor and disenfranchised. A simple jab could control it, but not in this country.
Mobile tech: A malaria-fighting secret weapon for Africa?

Mobile tech: A malaria-fighting secret weapon for Africa?

Is mobile technology the malaria-fighting secret weapon Africa’s been waiting for?
Deconstructing science: What journalists want

Deconstructing science: What journalists want

Health journalist, Amy Green, headed to Nairobi to sit on a panel that judged how scientists communicate their ideas to the media and the world.
Bhekisisa: Why we’re here

Bhekisisa: Why we’re here

Bhekisisa is expanding. We will tell Africa’s health stories and focus on solutions-based health journalism. Find out more here.
Zika: What you need to know

[LISTEN] Zika: What you need to know

Where did the Zika virus come from, and just how closely linked to microcephaly is it? SA's National Institute for Communicable Diseases explains all.
Donations pour in for Diepsloot rape centre

Donations pour in for Diepsloot rape centre

The publication of a Mail & Guardian story has resulted in our readers helping Green Door, which counsels rape survivors
Understanding the prevalence of rape in Diepsloot

[WATCH] Understanding the prevalence of rape in Diepsloot

The M&G's Mia Malan spent a week in Diepsloot and spoke to rape victims, parents and councillors to understand the high rate of rape in the township.
Sangoma: Why I take ARVs

[WATCH] Sangoma: Why I take ARVs

Prudence Mabele, a sangoma and one of the founding members of the TAC, is adamant that ARVs are imperative to the survival of HIV positive people.
Phindi on dating

[WATCH] Phindi on dating, sex and being born with HIV

Youth delegate at the world Aids conference Phindile Sithole-Spong talks about reclaiming her sexuality after learning she was born with HIV.