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Funding crisis looms large
HIV counsellors play a vital role in Lesotho's health system, but the money is running out.
TB cannot be kept behind bars
World TB Day is on March 24: We look at plans to curb the disease's spread – in prisons and beyond.
Health sector cleared for surgery
An industry-wide probe into private healthcare seems likely, but stakeholders fear a witch hunt.
Cheap drugs a bitter pill for the West
A global squabble over property rights could see the price of medicine soar in poor countries.
Women confound HIV researchers
Why would young, single African women not take free drugs that could potentially save them from contracting a life-threatening infection?
Aids most prevalent cause of early deaths in SA
Aids kills more people prematurely in SA than another other disease – in sharp contrast to two decades ago, which set them at just 12%.
Economic policy: The poor still lose
Allocations for healthcare are set from an inequitable base that predates 1994. This means that rural areas continue to be inadequately provided for in the government's budget.
Immune boosters a risky letdown
Immune boosters should not be substituted for real medication. Yet the claims on their packaging may seduce and persuade consumers.
M&G Health Journalism Centre
Bhekisisa aims to improve health reporting not only at the M&G but also at media houses across the continent.
Minister wants to stop patient rip-offs
Mia Malan speaks to the health minister and others in the healthcare sector about the guideline tariffs.
Dummies’ guide to medical tariffs
Health professionals are finding the state's planned guidelines for fees a bitter pill to swallow.
Doctors overcharge, say our readers
"Doctors collude to fix prices and there are too few competent specialists in private practice now."
McCord Hospital: Defending a legacy of healthcare integrity
For 100 years Durban's non-profit McCord Hospital has been a beacon of hope for the poor. Now it has to rely on the state to survive.
Birth, a measure of progress
Reducing maternal and newborn mortality has to be a priority if Africa is to reach its potential.
Is today’s ukuthwala a perversion of an earlier tradition?
The kidnapping of young girls ignores the 'niceties' of a cultural practice.
Bianca learns to Beat It
An eighth-grade teenager shows how funky and strong her fight against a four-letter word is. Mia Malan reports.