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When it’s not just PMS: Could your period be affecting your mental health?
Science could be closer to unravelling the riddle of menstruation-related mood disorders
Could this country be among the world’s best for refugees?
Many Ugandans were once refugees themselves. Now, they are 'paying back the good' and making their country one of the best in the world for refugees.
When the sorrow doesn’t end: Could chronic grief be a medical condition?
The pain of bereavement is supposed to ease with time. When it doesn't, psychiatrists call it 'complicated grief' and it can be treated.
Medical smart jacket tackles misdiagnosis of pneumonia
Jacket would detect symptoms up to four times faster than a doctor.
How to pack the best lunch for your kids in five easy steps
Not up to the daily dilemma of what to pack your little ones for lunch? Beef up your children’s lunch boxes with these quick tips.
Five ways to reduce your risk of prostate cancer
Prostate cancer accounts for nearly a quarter of all cancers in black men. Find out how to protect yourself and the ones you love.
‘If it wasn’t for them I would have died:’ How community health workers save...
Ethiopia's rural health extension workers have helped halve the country's child death rate.
Beer and stinky feet could be a fatal combination – for mosquitos
Could a new manmade concoction of mundane odours stop malaria?
Male breast cancer stays hidden
When Thami Mabuza found a lump in his chest, he never could have imagined it was breast cancer.
A group of doctors is breaking down barriers one dot at a time
Looking for a doctor who is non-judgmental about your sexuality? Look no further the yellow dot doctors, they have seen it all
The pros and cons of C-sections and vaginal births
Planning for a baby? Before deciding on a birth plan, find out what you need to know to make an informed decision.
Child rape in Diepsloot: The shocking story that sparked outrage
Read an excerpt from the award-winning story that kick-started a campaign to link survivors of rape and gender-based violence to care.
Africa’s oldest psychiatric hospital a stark reminder of war and a forgotten people
After Sierra Leone’s civil war, money poured in for mental health services. But a decade later, there's little left to help Ebola’s victims.
Caesarean vs vaginal birth: A mother’s choice, not her doctor’s
C-sections may result in fewer lawsuits, but they are not always the best option.
Will rape survivors finally be able to have legal abortions?
Unsafe terminations in Malawi may be curbed after a new law is enacted, but it’s just the first step
The promise and peril of ditching South Africa’s psychiatric hospitals
Community mental health care can be better for patients and health systems if it's done right.
Find out how one organisation is making it work.